Greetings, people! You must be terribly bored, or a personal friend of mine who is humoring me. To the latter of those options, I say "what's up, guys?!" To the former, I apologize. If you're waiting for the fireworks, you might want to wait for Independence Day or try some satisfying adult entertainment. What you'll get here is the rambling account of life from someone who isn't too experienced at it -- yet.
I used to blog quite a bit in college. I fell away from it. I blogged for a few months when I got my first teaching job (which is still my current job and I imagine I'll talk about it a lot), but stress back then was high, so I fell away from that too. I fall a lot. Got the bruises to prove it.
In the professional world, I'm an English teacher. Out in real life and on the internets, I'm just plain old Sarah. I type how I talk, which is rapid-fire, loaded with sentence fragments, and chock-full-o-verbal ADHD. For instance, the current conversation I'm having with my friend Jen is that I've never seen a cashew shell. I'm sure cashews have shells. Don't all nuts have shells? But I've never seen the shell of a cashew. They come to us in those air-tight canisters pre-shelled. Husked? De-shelled? I don't know the correct term, but if you've ever wondered about the shell of a cashew, holla back! <hears a distant "woot" from the nether regions of the net>
But I digress...
Back on the subject of real life, I'm a single white female (yes, I went there), I have a cat named Jack (single AND a cat owner? Save it, haters!), I quote songs, movies, and TV to annoying excess, and I love music. I play a handful of instruments, namely violin, sax, and guitar, and I make the valiant attempt at singing. Singing, I might add, with the greatest women in the world. Enter shameless plug for Capital City Chorus.
But I digress again....
I don't know what I digressed from --excuse me, grammarians-- but I'm sure it's not important. What you'll get from me are the observations of life, silly stories, tales of success and woe from the world of teaching, and all of these will appear with annoying infrequency. You've been warned. Continue if you dare.